We’re taking the natural hydrogen message to the world.

Fresh from leading the inaugural Australian Natural Hydrogen Conference, Gold Hydrogen managing director Neil McDonald has been asked to update the green energy community at two prestigious international events.

Neil McDonald at the Noosa Mining Conference.

He leaves this week to attend Almac in Hong Kong and H-Nat in Paris.

The Paris event, from November 25-26, follows on from an international event in Perth last year and ‘‘features a blend of presentations on the latest advancements in H2 systems, E&P tools, fresh data from emerging markets, and updates on evolving regulations’’.

Mr McDonald will present on: Regulation and growth of the ecosystem – Gold Hydrogen’s Natural Hydrogen Exploration Wells; Drilling Results Highlight the Potential of the Ramsay Hydrogen and Helium.

Leading up to that, on November 18-19 in Hong Kong, Mr McDonald will take part in a panel discussion – Green Energy Forum: Energy Transition towards Net Zero Emissions, at the Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference.

The two conferences give Gold Hydrogen another chance to showcase our world-leading results, but also continue to build awareness of the promising hunt for a near carbon-zero form of energy.

This week, Gold Hydrogen was prominent at the Noosa Mining Conference.

 Here’s a promotional Gold Hydrogen video the international conference attendees have received.