Gold Hydrogen’s exploration program has been used as the centrepiece in a new investor explainer by sharemarket data and commentary website JustStocks.

Author John Phillips said there had been a surge in interest in the natural hydrogen phenomenon and it prompted the new feature-length article, headed: Natural Hydrogen Extracted from the Earth’s Crust: An Energy Solution Beneath Our Feet?
“This form of hydrogen has gained interest as a potential clean energy source because it’s abundant and can be harvested without the carbon emissions associated with conventional hydrogen production methods,” the article said.
“The naturally occurring gas requires minimal processing, making it more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than other forms of hydrogen production. Its extraction could play a role in the transition to cleaner energy systems.
“Hydrogen has the potential to be the fuel of the future – it’s light, storable, energy-dense, and can be developed to provide clean energy.”
The article goes on to explain the various forms of hydrogen and the disadvantages of non-natural hydrogen. This has been highlighted in recent days by Woodside’s decision to cancel a raft of hydrogen and solar projects (article here).
Gold Hydrogen managing director Neil McDonald then gives expert commentary on the future of natural hydrogen.
“With the way Gold Hydrogen and other companies are leading the charge, the use of natural hydrogen into the energy mix could be very near term.
Now that companies like ours have proved natural hydrogen exists – contrary to traditional scientific belief – the challenge now is to demonstrate the volume to surface.
That’s where exploration has got to – what’s the final proof point. The aim is to show that this year.”
Full JustStocks article here.