- CSIRO has undertaken an experimental Stage 1 soil gas testing survey on Yorke Peninsula with the aim of determining whether hydrogen gas is detectable in soils at surface.
- The test work results reported to Gold Hydrogen indicate that CSIRO detected Hydrogen (H2) in soils in multiple locations.
- Analysis of the locations suggest H2 seepage near geological faults implies that H2 has been generated in the subsurface, migrated upwards, and may have filled a suitable subsurface reservoir covered by a baffle or a seal preventing escape from the accumulation, which is consistent with the thesis of naturally occurring H2 accumulation in the project area.
- The results have positive implications and support the strategy for the site selection of the Ramsay H1 well location. This well is on track to be spudded in October 2023.
- A positive surprise in the testing was the presence of Helium (He) in multiple locations on PEL 687, and further studies will be undertaken in due course to further understand the implications of this result.
- Further CSIRO research and development is continuing, and this data will be used to help identify further leads and prospects for the Ramsay Project.
- Planning is in place to accelerate a second well at the Company’s option.
Read the full ASX release: PDF